Tuesday, 6 March 2018

                                               Jamun(black plum)    

Jamun is an important summer fruit the jamun fruit and leaves are good for diabetic patient. The extract of the bark , seeds and leaves are good in sugar in urine .There is present jamboline , a type of glucose which helps to control the conversion of starch into sugar.

 Jamun contain: 

Water =78.2%                              
Protein = 0.8%
Fats =0.1%
Carbohydrates =19.6%
Calcium =0.02%
Phosphorous =0.01%
Iron =1.00 ml/100 gm
Jamun contains small quantity of vitamin c , Bcomplex etc.

Benefits of jamun:

1. Jamun is very useful in liver and spline diseases.
2. The regular use of jamun increases RBCS.
3.  The jamun juice is useful in intestinal ulcers.
4. Jamun is extremely beneficial in heart diseases.
5. Jamun juice is useful in digestive disorders such as diarrhea, dysentery and dyspepsia.
6. Jamun helps to prevent acne , pimples and wrinkles.
7. Drinking of fresh jamun juice useful in cough and asthma.
8. The jamun juice is useful in spleen enlargement and urine retention.
9. Jamun juice is useful in piles and haemorrhoids.
10. Jamun and powder of jamun seeds is useful in diabetic  patient.
11.The jamun leaves are useful in toothack.

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