Friday 2 March 2018

Pumpkin is very nutrias for health. It is most preferred snack in Russia. Regular use of pumpkin increases weight. Most important thing is, it is available worldwide. Pumpkin contents:

Water = 92.6%
Protein = 1.4%                                      

Fats =0.1%
Carbohydrates =5.3%
Minerals = 0.6%
Iron = 0.7 mg/ 100 gm

Benefits of pumpkin

Pumpkin is used to gain Weight this is used to reduce LDL and promotes HDL pumpkin is used to get relief from constipation .This is useful in regulating blood pressure .This is very effective in diabetic nephropathy. Pumpkin is very good immunity buster. The pumpkin seed is useful in reduce mental stress .Ovarian cancer, Di hydro epi-androstenedione in the pumpkin seed performs certain blocking actions. These actions  inhibits the risks arising out of ovarian or even prostate cancer.

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