Friday 2 March 2018

Coconut is considered a divine in the Vedic tradition , this is also called as kalpvruksha . It is divided into three types they are : 
                           A.   Tender or baby coconut
                           B.   Half mature coconut
                           C.   Fully matures coconut
The contents                 
 Water = 95.5%                                

Sodium=105 ml/100 gm                     
Potassium =312 ml/100 gm
Iron = 0.1 ml/100 gm
Copper =0.04 ml/100 gm
Chlorine=183 ml/100 gm

In general tender and middle edge coconuts are good for everyone.The middle edge coconut are supposed to be full with healing properties coconut help to clean the urinary track .Coconuts are vata pacifying in nature according to Ayurveda coconut is natural stress buster coconuts cool sadhak pitta.
The juice of tender coconut is “the worlds safest natural soft drink”.Coconut is also useful in hyper acidity and alsers. It is a great healer and helps to maintain ph level. coconut helps in detoxification.It is also useful in urine retention.coconut is useful in improving complexion a burning sensation in the hands and feet is cooled down with coconut juice .Coconut is useful in good metabolism .Coconut is useful in restoring emotional stability in  women.This is very useful in dry hail, hair loss etc.

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