Monday, 30 April 2018

                               Medicinal flowers   

1. Saffron (केसर) :
It is very good for health.This flower increases glow of skin. It provides strength, stops vomiting and destroys to wind, bile and phlegm-related problems to all the three Dosha disorders. Saffron calms down the nervousness and stress present in various systems. Therefore, it is also notable as a natural barbiturate. It provides vigor, strength, activity and glow if eaten along with betel leaf.Its fragrance minimises hadache.
2. Rose Flower (गुलाब) :
Rose symbolizes beauty, affection and love. The gulkand made of rose is a laxative in nature and lowers the heat in the intestines and stomach. It causes the heart and mind joyful. Wash the eyes with rose water to lower the ruddiness of the eyes and swelling. It is good for skin.

3. Aniseed (सौंफ) :
It contains a lot of advantageous properties. Boil the aniseed flowers in water; include cardamom and a few mint leaves in the water. It is best to boil the leaves in a ceramic pot and carry on the water aside.
When the water gets cold, give one teaspoonful to small children and to babies who are receiving new teeth and those who are discomfort from extreme heat.It increases immunity system.
4. Lotus Flowers (कमल) :
The lotus symbolizes growth in nature. One can see green colored seeds inside the lotus flower, that are baked to make makhana . If the raw seeds are skinned and taken as a medication, it boosts strength and vigor. It is chilled in nature.It is used as an eyeliner together with honey to better the eyesight. The lotus leaves can be used as a cosmetic as well. Grind the lotus leaves and blend them with the ubatan (which is a pack generally made of gram flour, raw milk, curd and 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder) and apply on the face.
5. Marigold Flower (गेंदा फूल) :
Farm marigold flowers near dirty lakes and near the surroundings of the house to defend the house from mosquitoes. It is additionally useful in liver illnesses, swelling of the liver, stones and skin illnesses. It decreases inflammation of skin.
6. Jasmine Flower (चमेली) :
This flower owns a very good aroma. It is seasonal flower. Embellish the house with Jasmine flowers. Keeping a garland near you or in a vase will give freshness and aroma.Its aroma lowers the burning feeling. Women who have got the trouble of mild menstrual cycle must chew a few petals of this flower. The menstruation cycle will grow into regular and the menstrual cycle also gets to be normal.
7. Cestrum Nocturnum (रात की रानी) :
Cestrum nocturnum commonly recognized as ‘Raat ki Rani’ in India, it owns and very good fragrance, that can be felt up from a long distance. The flower produces an aroma from evening to midnight, and later it bit by bit reduces. Further benefit of this flower is that mosquitoes are put by at bay. Its fragrance changes mood of the person. It creates positive vibes.
8. Tuscan Jasmine (चमेली) :
Oil of this flower is used in skin disorders, pyaria, toothache, injuries, eye complaints, simmers, etc. It increases the blood flow and motivates the whole body. In case of mouth ulcers munching the leaves of Chameli give instant comfort. This flower also adds in with the proviso mental happiness. It cures mental illness. It creates healthy atmosphere.

Saturday, 28 April 2018



1. Good for diabetics
It is healthy for diabeties. Cluster beans contain glyconutrients that help in controlling blood sugar levels in the body. People are not aware of the fact that it is low in glycemic index.
2. Strengthens bone health
It increases the power of bones. Guar beans contain calcium, a mineral, which helps in strengthening the bones and thus, prevent bone loss. The presence of phosphorus in this vegetable aids in fortifying the bones and enhances your bone health.  
3. Great for heart health
It is healthy for heart. Gavar exerts heart healthy effects by lowering the blood levels of bad cholesterol  in the body. The presence of dietary fibre, potassium and folate in this vegetable prevents the heart from various cardiovascular complications.  
4. Helps manage blood pressure
It manages blood pressure.The hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties of cluster beans make them the best natural aid for people suffering from hypertension. As diabetes and heart disease increase your risk of hypertension, the combined effect of these compounds plays a key role in controlling your blood pressure levels.
5. Recommended during pregnancy
It is mostly used in pregnancy.Iron and calcium present in cluster beans fills up the deficiencies of these minerals in the pregnant women. This vegetable is loaded with high levels of folic acid that prevent the fetus from numerous birth defects and also various pregnancy related health issues. Vitamin K contained in cluster beans is good for the bones and helps with better fetal development.  

                                                   Dr. Rama And Ashok Ghuse
Psoriasis is characterised by sharply demarcated areas of skin with abnormal scaling. The fundamental abnormality is a biochemical fault in epidermal cell formation with resultant rapid turnover of cells. The fault is inherited. Precipitation factors are infection, unfavourable, emotional stress , and trauma to the skin. The affected skin is reddened and scaly. Lesions are more extensive on the extensor aspect of the limbs and the trunk. Nails show pitting.
Main points:     Dazhui                     (GV-14)
    Baihui                        (GV-20)
                         Hegu                        (LI-4)
                       Quchi                         (LI-11)
                       Chize                          (L-5)
                       Lieque                        (L-7)
                       Quze                          (P-3)
                       Sanyinjiao                  (SP-6)
                       Xuehai                       (SP-10)
                      Zusanli                        (SP-36)
Ear points:     Shenmen                    
                        Adrenal gland
                        Internal secretion

Mild electric stimulation for 25-35 minutes 8-16 days.
1.     In the refractory cases intravenous bleeding from chize (L-5) and Quze (P-3)Has shown a good response.
2.     Press needle to the ear points.          

                  The Importance of Qi in Acupuncture

“The root of the way of life, of birth and change in Qi
(Energy); the myriad thing of heaven and earth all obey this law. Thus Qi in the periphery envelopes heaven and earth, Qi in the interior activates them. The source wherefrom the sun, moon, and stars derive their light, the thunder, rain, wind and cloud their being, the four seasons and the myriad things their birth, growth ,gathering and storing; all this is brought about by Qi, Man’s possession of the life is completely dependent upon this Qi.” 
                                                                                     Nei Ching

The ancient Chinese texts expounding on the basic energy supporting all life and matter in the cosmos were written to convey basic scientific principles in a style that attracted the attention even of those who were not inclined toward a serious study of science. The integrated man, was; In ancient China
Was one who strives to maintain a balance between lifestyle, the scientific and the practical the principles of Chinese medical science as they have come down through the ages are as applicable today as they were in the past. One must understand the poetic form that has enshrined and carried them through the ages.
Acupuncture is the therapy used for the prevention of disease or for the maintenance of health the practice consists of either stimulating or dispersing the flow of energy within the body by the insertion of needles into specific points on the surface of the skin.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

                                               Benefits of Sugarcane Juice:

1. Sugarcane juice is a diuretic which means that it helps treat urinary tract infections, kidney stones and ensure proper functioning of the kidneys. It is very healthy tonic.

2. It purifies the blood. Sugarcane juice helps strengthen your liver and is thus suggested as a remedy for jaundice. Jaundice is a condition where you find yellow pigmentation of the skin and membrane due to elevated levels of a substance known as bilirubin in the bodily fluids and is triggered by poor functioning liver.

3. Energy Drink –It increases the energy level. Sugarcane juice is rich in the good kind of carbohydrates, protein, iron, potassium and other essential nutrients that make it the ideal energy drinks. It is very good energy drink.It instantly increases energy level of person.

4. According to Ayurveda Sugarcane juice is good in acidity and stomach burns. Sugarcane juice exhibits laxative properties thereby improving bowel movement and Relieving constipation.

5. It has a low glycemic index (GI) so it comes highly recommended for diabetics. It maintains glucose level of body. A study showed that drinking sugarcane juice did not alter the blood glucose levels of diabetics.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018


1. Blood purification:

It purifies the blood, very good anti-aging agent.

2. It maintains a healthy heart:

It contains a high degree of polyphenols which promotes the betterment of the heart. It normalizes blood pressure and heart rate and hence protects against strokes and coronary heart diseases. It is very good for heart.
3. It Promotes digestion:

It is very good for proper digestion. Litchi is extremely effective in dealing with digestive and other stomach problems. It improves appetite and helps in better digestion of the food you eat. The seed of litchi has astringent properties, due to which it is clears out any intestinal worms.
4. It Strengthens bones:

It makes the bones strong. Litchi is a rich source of phosphorus and magnesium which helps to maintain strong bones. The small traces of copper and manganese helps in strengthening brittle bones. The zinc and copper content in litchi also helps in the better assimilation of calcium, providing stronger and healthier bones.

5. It Nourishes skin:

It increases glow of skin. Litchi works wonders for the skin too. It nourishes the skin oil and helps to get rid of acne and pimples. It also aids in smoothing the skin, providing a glow and making it look younger.

6. It Helps in secretion of happiness hormones.

Monday, 23 April 2018

                                                What to eat and what to avoid

Sunday, 22 April 2018

                                                    Benefits of kiwi fruit:

1. It is Anti-Anaemia: Kiwifruit has in abundance iron and copper, critical for production and synthesis of the red blood cell protein-hemoglobin, enabling it to improve oxygen levels in the body.
2. It is Anti-Oxidant: It is very powerful anti-oxidant. Potent water soluble antioxidants vitamins C and E, in kiwifruit, neutralize free radicals responsible for premature aging, inflammation, and other degenerative diseases like cancers.
3. It is immunity Booster: It is very healthy in nature. Kiwi’s high vitamin C content along with other antioxidant compounds is highly effective in increasing the immune system function, thereby contributing to combat and prevent cold and flu, as well as other types of infections and inflammation.
4. It strengthens Connective Tissues: It makes proper bounding between tissue cells. Collagen is the critical bonding agent essential for connective tissues health, especially for bone, tooth and gum health. Vitamin C helps in the synthesis of collagen, and calcium and phosphorous promote collagen mineralization thereby preventing osteoporosis.
5. For Digestive Health: The enzyme actinidain, aids protein synthesis and healthy digestion. The high content dietary fiber provides kiwifruit with mild laxative properties that help cleanse the colon of toxins, prevent constipation other gastro-intestinal problems. It is digest the food easily.
6. Heart health: High level of potassium helps keep our electrolytes in balance by counteracting the effects of sodium stabilizing blood pressure, improving heart function, and preventing hypertension.
7. Anti-Clotting: Kiwi fruit has the same anti-clotting benefits of aspirin with no side effects, just additional health benefits. It prevents blood clotting, and reduces triglycerides levels, which are the main causes for plaques built up and deposits in the arterial walls.
8. Prevents DNA Damage: The unique combination of antioxidants in Kiwifruit helps protect the cell DNA from oxidative damage.Kiwi contains a variety of flavonoids and carotenoids that have demonstrated antioxidant activity, these phytonutrients in kiwi may be responsible for this DNA protection.
9. Diabetic Care: Kiwi has a low glycemic value keeping blood sugar levels stable and the dietary fiber bind to cholesterol and expels them, and keeps the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients under control. It maintains the sugar level.
10. Eye Care: Kiwi’s high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin — filter out damaging blue light, lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), glaucoma and cataracts. It
Is very beneficial for eyes.
11. Maintain Alkaline Balance: Kiwi’s rich supply of minerals makes it one of the most alkaline fruits and helps neutralize acids from foods you consume. A balanced pH is essential for youthful skin, deeper sleep, abundant physical energy, fewer colds, less arthritis, and reduced osteoporosis.
12. For glowing Skin: It increases the glow of skin. Kiwi is are a good source of vitamin E, an antioxidant known to prevent and slow down skin degeneration. Additionally Vitamin C aids collagen synthesis and helps prevent damage caused by the sun, pollution and smoke, smooth wrinkles and improve overall skin texture.

                                     Health Benefits of Muskmelon:

1. It Manages Hypertension- It is very helpful in hypertension. Being rich in potassium, the fruit helps in regulating blood pressure.
2.  It improves your vision- It contain high dosage of vitamin A which strengthens the eye muscles and protects it from future problems. It is good for eye site.
3. It Acts as an immunity booster- Vitamin C in muskmelon strengthens immunity. They stimulate the production of white blood cells that help fight infections. It protects us from various diseases.
4. Its cholesterol free- These are absolutely cholesterol free, which means that you don’t need to worry about cholesterol when munching a muskmelon.
5. Soothes Stomach ulcers- The high quantity of vitamin C in melons helps in curing ulcer problems.
6. Inhibit Kidney stones- Extract of muskmelon-Oxykine has proven qualities of curing kidney problems. Its regular use minimizes kidney stones.
7. Helpful for pregnant mothers- High folate content in muskmelon removes excess sodium and reduces water retention problems in pregnant mothers. It reduces pain during pregnancy.
8. Suppresses Sleeping Disorder- Muskmelons relaxes the nerves and muscles of brain which suppresses sleeping disorders like insomnia.
9. Reduces menstrual cramps- Research says that vitamin C present in muskmelon helps to regulate menstrual flow thus relieving women of menstrual cramps. So, have this fruit at least first 2 days of your period time.
10. Suppresses Cancer symptoms- Vitamin C in it eliminates free radicals and prevents cancer. It fight against cancer cells.
11. It’s a stress reliever pill- Eating muskmelon increases flow of oxygen to the brain, which eventually makes our brain calm and stress free.
12. Makes your skin better- Muskmelons have anti-ageing property which makes skin glow and become acne free.
13. Soothes your toothache- The skin of the fruit contain certain extracts which when boiled in water, helps in curing toothache. You just have to rinse your month with this concoction once in a day.
14. Fixes acidity problems- Muskmelons have neutral pH that is beneficial for people who suffer from acid reflux issues. Its regular use cures acidity permanently.
15. Relieves cough and congestion- Muskmelon seeds flush out excess of phlegm from the system and provides relief from coughing. It is beneficial in throat infections.

Saturday, 21 April 2018


1. Jackfruits Are Great Energy Boosters: The jackfruit contains simple sugars like fructose and lactose, which help in rejuvenating the body and regenerate lost energy. It contains high amount of carbohydrates and calories that provides the body more vigour and energy.
2. Jackfruits Promote Good Eye-Health: Being a rich source of vitamin A, jackfruit improves vision and eye health. It protects the eyes from retina and macular degeneration, free radicals and cataract because of the presence of a large amount of antioxidant compounds like Vitamin C, betulinic acid and various types of carotenoids. It is very healthy for eyes.
2. Jackfruits Help In Blood Formation: The jackfruit is rich in vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6 and minerals like magnesium, manganese and copper which help in blood formation and circulation. It purifies the blood.
3. Jackfruits Boost the Immune System: As mentioned earlier, jackfruit is full of vitamin C which helps to boost the immunity. The anti-bacterial and anti-viral nature of the fruit prevents frequent colds and infections. Asthma and related respiratory problems can be treated effectively using jackfruit extracts and roots.
4. Jackfruits Prevent Heart Disease: Jackfruits are great for the heart, as its nutrients help to regulate its proper functioning. The potassium content helps to lower blood pressure, regulate the heart rate and maintain sodium levels. It helps heart for proper working.
5. Jackfruits Protect Against Cancer: The jackfruit is an effective bodyguard against cancer. The components in the fruit like Vitamin C, phytonutrients like lignans, isoflavones and saponins have awesome anti cancer properties. The antioxidants help keep away harmful cancer causing radicals.
6. Jackfruits Are Great For Skin: Eating jackfruits helps to hydrate the body and maintain the skin’s moisture levels. It helps to detoxify the system which leaves you with a glowing complexion. The seeds of the fruit are very beneficial for healthy skin. They protect the skin against blemishes and hyper pigmentation. Jackfruits also slow down the aging process. The antioxidants destroy the radicals that quicken ageing of the skin. A jackfruit seed soaked in cold milk, grinded into paste and applied on the skin helps to keep it wrinkle free.
7. Jackfruits Improve Digestion: The jackfruit has medicinal properties as it helps prevent constipation, cure digestive disorders and treat gastric issues. Having high amounts of dietary fiber, it supports regular bowel movement and helps to bring relief from constipation.
8. Jackfruits Promote Good Hair Growth: For healthy hair to grow there must be a steady flow of blood to the follicles. Eating jackfruit seeds help improve blood circulation which promotes the growth of healthy hair. It help to increase the hair growth. It increases the shining of hairs.