Saturday, 21 April 2018


1. Important For breathing problems:
In case of any kind of breathing problem like asthma, breathlessness, sinusitis etc pineapple is  very helpful fruit. Its juice also helpful to overcome the breathing problems.
2. For Diabetes:
Pineapple is a very useful ingredient in diabetes. Take 100 gm of pineapple juice and add  12 gm amla seeds, 12 gm jamun seeds and 12 gm gokhru. Mke the powder of all seeds. Give 3 gm of the powder twice a day.
3. For indigestion:
The Vitamin C present in itself acts as an antacid. Cut the fruit into small pieces and sprinkle rock salt and black pepper over it. It has the efficacy to cure indigestion.
4. For stomach problems:
Take 10 gm. pineapple juice with rock salt is cures all types of stomach problems. Eat pieces of pineapple regularly.
5. For fever:
If person is suffering from fever give pineapple juice to the patient or add honey in 20 gm of juice and give this to the patient. It makes the patient sweat a lot thus urine is released completely and fever reduces naturally.

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