Thursday, 12 April 2018

Papaya is light and rough by nature. The taste is sweet and pungent, though the after taste is bitter. Chemically, this fruit contains gum resin, yellow in color, glycosides, sugars, citric acid and papain, a digestive enzyme. This enzyme has digestive fats and proteins. It has abundant vitamins, namely, vitamin B complex, vitamin A and vitamin C. It is filled with minerals such as sodium and potassium supplements.

Effects of Papaya
Doshas are Balanced with the help of papaya: The papaya fruit destroys vata and kapha doshas. 
Natural tonic with the help of papaya: Papaya has numerous minerals, vitamins and digestive enzymes as a natural source. You can have papaya as a regular food in your daily diet and thus feel the boost of energy. This fruit can be beneficial as it increases blood sugar levels and improves blood pressure. It is highly recommended to people who suffer from lack of vigor, occasional sleep loss and fatigue symptoms.We can say that papaya is itself very good health tonic.

Health Benefits of Papaya
Papaya contains potassium in high amounts and the flesh is very high in Vitamin A. Papaya leaves and seeds are useful in treating in the body the intestinal worms.
Papaya helps in constipation and also helps in digesting food. Papaya contains the protein that is a digestive enzyme and assists in the process of natural digestion.
Papaya juice alleviates colon infections by clearing away mucus, pus and infection. Papaya can be had as regular consumption and it will help in solving the colon infections problem.
The papaya skin is excellent in curing skin wounds and also the places that does not heal quickly.
Papaya is high in nutritive value and low in calories, thus an excellent food for people on diet.
Consuming papaya regularly helps in relieving nausea and morning sickness.

Papaya has anti-cancerous and anti-inflammatory properties. This anti-inflammatory property helps in reducing pain for people suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis and edema.
Papaya is exceptionally good for people who frequently suffer from cough, cold or flu. This is because papaya promotes the immune system. Vitamin A and C in high concentration is beneficial to promote the immune system.
Papaya is the best for good hair and equally helps in controlling dandruff. In fact, even the papaya shampoos are exceptionally good for hair and are easily obtainable in many health stores.
Raw papaya reduces menstrual irregularities and help women. Papaya eases the condition in women by promoting natural flow during the cycle of menstruation.
Papaya cleans your stomach and if papaya is eaten alone for 5 to 7 days, it has a beneficial tonic effect on the intestines and stomach.
People infected with dengue fever and are experiencing low platelet count that is referred to as Thrombocytopenia; can take the raw papaya leaves extracts so that there is an increase in the platelet count.
Leaves of a papaya fruit-bearing tree may be washed using clean water and it can be crushed without water or salt. These crushed leaves may be squeezed by hand so that the juice is extracted and consumed fresh to increase the platelet count. 

Skin Benefits of Papaya
Papaya is helpful to increase the glow of skin.Papaya is best for skin care and provides you with a glowing skin. It is a good source of vitamin A which help remove dead skin cells. Its low sodium quality helps in little loss of water and thus keeps your skin hydrated.
Papaya is a wholesome fruit containing Carotene in more quantities than found in other fruits such as custard apple, apple, guava and plantains.

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