Medicinal flowers
1. Saffron (केसर) :
It is very good
for health.This flower increases glow of skin. It provides strength, stops
vomiting and destroys to wind, bile and phlegm-related problems to all the
three Dosha disorders. Saffron calms down the nervousness and stress present in
various systems. Therefore, it is also notable as a natural barbiturate. It
provides vigor, strength, activity and glow if eaten along with betel leaf.Its
fragrance minimises hadache.
2. Rose Flower (गुलाब) :
Rose symbolizes
beauty, affection and love. The gulkand made of rose is a laxative in nature
and lowers the heat in the intestines and stomach. It causes the heart and mind
joyful. Wash the eyes with rose water to lower the ruddiness of the eyes and
swelling. It is good for skin.
3. Aniseed (सौंफ) :
It contains a lot
of advantageous properties. Boil the aniseed flowers in water; include cardamom
and a few mint leaves in the water. It is best to boil the leaves in a ceramic
pot and carry on the water aside.
When the water
gets cold, give one teaspoonful to small children and to babies who are receiving
new teeth and those who are discomfort from extreme heat.It increases immunity
4. Lotus Flowers (कमल) :
The lotus
symbolizes growth in nature. One can see green colored seeds inside the lotus
flower, that are baked to make makhana . If the raw seeds are skinned and taken
as a medication, it boosts strength and vigor. It is chilled in nature.It is
used as an eyeliner together with honey to better the eyesight. The lotus
leaves can be used as a cosmetic as well. Grind the lotus leaves and blend them
with the ubatan (which is a pack generally made of gram flour, raw milk, curd
and 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder) and apply on the face.
5. Marigold Flower (गेंदा
फूल) :
Farm marigold
flowers near dirty lakes and near the surroundings of the house to defend the
house from mosquitoes. It is additionally useful in liver illnesses, swelling
of the liver, stones and skin illnesses. It decreases inflammation of skin.
6. Jasmine Flower (चमेली) :
This flower owns a
very good aroma. It is seasonal flower. Embellish the house with Jasmine
flowers. Keeping a garland near you or in a vase will give freshness and aroma.Its
aroma lowers the burning feeling. Women who have got the trouble of mild
menstrual cycle must chew a few petals of this flower. The menstruation cycle
will grow into regular and the menstrual cycle also gets to be normal.
7. Cestrum Nocturnum (रात
की रानी) :
Cestrum nocturnum
commonly recognized as ‘Raat ki Rani’ in India, it owns and very good
fragrance, that can be felt up from a long distance. The flower produces an
aroma from evening to midnight, and later it bit by bit reduces. Further
benefit of this flower is that mosquitoes are put by at bay. Its fragrance
changes mood of the person. It creates positive vibes.
8. Tuscan Jasmine (चमेली) :
Oil of this flower
is used in skin disorders, pyaria, toothache, injuries, eye complaints, simmers,
etc. It increases the blood flow and motivates the whole body. In case of mouth
ulcers munching the leaves of Chameli give instant comfort. This flower also
adds in with the proviso mental happiness. It cures mental illness. It creates
healthy atmosphere.
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