Saturday, 14 April 2018

Tomato and tomato juice benefits:

Tomato in its natural form is healthy and tasty.The tomato juice contains a high nutrients that are beneficial for the skin. They include vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopene and proteins. Lycopene is a carotenoid, which counteracts the action of free radicals in the body. This is a strong antioxidant that gives tomato its distinctive color. To cut it short, what makes tomato a special treat for skin and health is its high antioxidant content. Highlighted below is information on the benefits of tomato juice for the skin, along with tips for using it.

It increases the glow of skin
Tomato is very useful to increase the glow of skin. If our skin glow we feel confident. Using tomato juice in the beauty regimen is a sure way to lighten skin tone, without the harshness of chemicals used in fairness creams. It simply transforms dull looking skin and gives it a youthful appearance, which all of us adore. So, if you want to make your face glow and blemish free, use fresh tomato juice liberally on a regular basis.

It reduces Skin Oiliness
Tomato pulp and tomato juice are used to combat excess production of oils by the sebaceous glands. Just cut a ripe tomato into two halves and rub the pulpy side over the face. Leave juice for 15 to 20 minutes,then it penetrates deep into the skin pores. Rinse off thoroughly with cold water.


It cleans the skin
Fresh juice prepared from tomato is great for cleansing the skin pores. In case, you don't have time for making juice, cut a tomato transversely and place a half part in crystalline sugar. Rub it over the face in circular motions to remove dirt and dead skin cells.

It relieves Skin Irritation
The benefits of tomato juice for our skin include reducing itching, unusual redness, scaling and irritation symptoms. This slightly acidic juice derived from tomato fruits regulates the skin pH level and cures irritated skin. Consider adding unsweetened yogurt into tomato juice, apply it on the face and rinse after 15-20 minutes.

Tightens Skin Pores
One of the highly appreciated benefits of tomato juice for face is shrinking of the pores. It serves as a natural astringent and constricts wide pores, which otherwise look noticeable and are prone to debris accumulation. Hence, instead of using astringent lotions, just rub tomato juice all over the face before going to bed and wash.

Reduces Acne Outbreak
Applying tomato juice works in treating acne and pimples Just make fresh tomato juice and rub it with gentle massaging. Wait for one hour and rinse off. Repeat it daily until acne disappears completely.

It removes Blackheads
Juice of tomato is also a wonderful remedy for getting rid of unsightly blackheads. You can use tomato juice alone for massaging over the areas having blackheads.

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