Thursday 12 April 2018


Vitamin A in the cabbage is a panacea in the stomach and intestinal ulcer.Cabbage is calculated in the Palebajas. Cabbage has become very popular in Europe and in our country, Ali and here. Cabbage Kechi in the winter is widely available in the crop. Cabbage is good for honeybees, red chili, bitter, digestive, pancreatic, cardiovascular and somewhat baleful. It is useful in cough, gall, code, cough, blood pressure, etc.
9% of water                                                                   

Protein 1.%                                                                     
Cowboy 0. 1%
Carbohydrates substance 6.3%
Mineral substances 0.6%
Calcium 0.03%
Phosphorus 005%
Iron 0 8%
Vitamin A '100 gm
Vitamin 100 gm

Niacin 100 gm
Vitamin 100 gm

Benefits of cabbage improves immunity
2.protects from cancer
3.heart friendly is anti-inflammatory

5.ti is good for intestine

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